In 2017 Dr. Jumana Nagarwala was accused of performing FGM on at least two girls in a hospital in Detroit.

Shockingly one year after the crimem, US judge Friedman dropped the most severe charge of "criminal sexual acitvity" against Dr. Nagarwala, stating that the doctors did not toch the girl's private parts for sexual gratification or to abuse, humilate or degrade the victims.

Dropping the charges from seven to six reduces the sentence for years.

Medical examinations meanwhile found the girls' genitals did appear to have been altered, with some scar tissue and healing lacerations.

The evidence shows that FGM was very likely performed on the two victims. FGM is a crime against humanity  and abuses, humilates and degrades the victims in every way possible. Dropping the criminal sexual activity charge belittles the cruel crime done to those minors.

FGM has been illegal in many countries for years now, but executive and legislation fail to persecute the perpetrators.
It is time not only to acknowledge FGM as a crime but also treat it as one!

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