"Becoming a women"

From the true story of Waris Dirie’s life

desert flower
desert flower

The next thing I felt was my flesh, my genitals, being cut away. I heard the sound of the dull blade sawing back and forth through my skin. When I think back, I honestly can’t believe that this happened to me. I feel as if I were talking about somebody else. There’s no way in the world I can explain what it feels like.


FGM is a crime

Australia’s first prosecution of an FGM case ends in guilty verdict

FGM is a crime
FGM is a crime

The supreme court of NSW in Sydney has come to a decision.

The mother of two girls, now aged 10 and 12, and a nurse were both found guilty of carrying out FGM on each sister.


"To bear a girl is to bear a problem.”

Stop the stupid proverbs!

Waris at a conference in Nairobi
Waris at a conference in Nairobi

A Somali saying everybody knows. It makes me furious.



Let's make a difference!

Jamestina Menjor holding her sponsorship envelope
Jamestina Menjor holding her sponsorship envelope

Our sponsorship program and your donations ensure the integrity of endangered girls, little Jamestina being one of them.


Shocking news from Kenya

Inside the illegal „Cutting Room“

Razor blades and ethanol spirit used for FGM
Razor blades and ethanol spirit used for FGM

“We sit down the girl, someone blindfolds her and lays her on the ground, then we cut, we cut three times ... ”

