Our "Desert Flowers" send encouraging messages

Desert Flower sponsored children from Sierra Leone build up all donors

Encouraging words from our "Desert Flowers".

An action that deserves imitators: Children of our Desert Flower Schools in Sierra Leone send motivating messages in these difficult times for everyone.


Fatmata was saved from FGM thanks to your donations

Education is the most powerful weapon in the fight against female genital mutilation

Fatmata was saved from FGM and is going to school.

Even with small amounts of money you can achieve great things! For example save innocent girls like Fatmata from genital mutilation and give them a school education.


Wake-up call from Waris Dirie in the fight against the corona virus

"Use the time to decelerate while Mother Earth recovers"

Waris: "A smile is contagious, but not dangerous."

The coronavirus pandemic demands drastic changes from us. In such difficult times, it is important to remain helpful and friendly, and not to lose the smile!


Waris Dirie: "Only we women can save Mother Earth!"

Education is the only effective instrument against Female Genital Mutilation and forced marriage

Waris Dirie gets into position (Photo: Jessica Keller/Blick).

Open letter from Waris Dirie on Women's Day 2020: Why she will never give up her worldwide fight against Female Genital Mutilation!


New musical "Wüstenblume" convinces with strong message

Moments of goosebumps during the world premiere at the theater St. Gallen

Waris Dirie with the ensemble (Photo: Andoni Lopez).

Standing Ovations! Musical "Wüstenblume" celebrates brilliant world premiere with Waris Dirie at theater St. Gallen.

